高考知识网 时间:2023-08-12 02:26:25
1.Based on your understanding of the following java related technologies:
servlets,JavaServerPage,JavaBeans,Enterprise JavaBeans, how do you think these technologies are work together or are applied in the development of an internet-based application(25marks)
2.In your opinion ,what do you think are the )
advantages or benefitsof using an object-oriented approach to software develop
ment? how do you think those benefits can be achieved or realized?(15marks)
3.In designing your classes, given the choice between inheritance and aggregation which do you choose(15marks)
4.How would you work around the lack of multiple inheritance feature in Java(15marks)
5.What would you consider to be the hardest part of OO analysis and design
6.How do you keep yourself up to date with the latest in software especially in the field of software development(10marks)
7.What si your career aspiration? Why do you think this E-Commerce Develop
ment Center can help you in achieving your career goals(10marks)
(1hr, answer in English)
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