高考知识网 时间:2023-08-28 07:27:53
Green Olympic Games, with the quadrennial. The summer's longest green 12 days, will be held in midsummer.
In 2001, the international Olympic committee President Jacques rogge puts green Olympic will hold.
Green Olympic will target includes:
1 all young athletes are set up for them, and celebrate.
2 with a unique and powerful ways to promote the Olympic spirit.
3 in an innovative forms on the Olympic spirit and stimulate the education and social
challenges.4 in a harmonious atmosphere of bright festival in the world culture. Share
5 to the world of youth groups promotion the Olympic spirit.
6 in ascension sports consciousness between young people and participation.
7 In the Olympic movement and development in a creative platform.
8. To become the highest level of rePsenting the international sports competitions.
青年强,世界强 (Better Youth Better World)
为青春加油! (Better Youth Better World)
分享青春,共筑未来 (Share Games ,Share Dreams)
天天向上 (Day Day Up/Grow Eeach and Every Day)
让世界更年轻 (Make The World Younger)
更好的世界,更好的未来 (Younger World Better Future)
“与青奥共成长”“Grow with YOG!”
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