高考知识网 时间:2023-08-12 10:22:46
-- suoluo wei about cardiff
● about love, people have many definitions: love is life in poetry and the sun.
-- belinskiy
● love is understanding and considerate alias.
-- rabindranath tagore
● what it means to love a person? » this means that for his happiness pleased to enable him to do more to be done and well-being of all and be happy from them.
-- chernyshevsky
● real love, give up personal happiness only after generated.
-- lev tolstoy
● love is a great teacher, she taught us new leaf.
-- moliere
● true love like a beautiful flower, the more open barren ground, it appears that the very eyes of wyatt.
-- balzac
● after all, love is a person's self-worth to someone else reflected.
-- emerson
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