高考知识网 时间:2023-08-23 01:25:15
love is not the logic of development, so it must always pay attention to the changes. love is not eternal, we must continue to pursue.
-- bo yang
● when you love a person, you will forget their kule gains and losses, but only care about each other's kule gains and losses.
-- roland
● love is like a zen buddhist - can not be said, can not be said, that is wrong.
-- san mao
● a poor young men who favor » miu ling nethersole a poor woman who huaichun » this is our human nature to the holy god.
-- goethe
● love is a noble quality, because it not only remain in sexual desire, but also revealed a wealth of their noble good soul, to request a lively, brave and the spirit of sacrifice and another person to achieve reunification.
-- hegel ,
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